A las puertas ya de este nuevo año que llega, os dejamos las reflexiones de nuestra profe Kellie, que desde el otro lado del mundo, nos cuenta la magia del nuevo año.

Un nuevo año, que tiene pinta de ir a traernos muchas cosas buenas. Todas ellas os las deseamos, desde el equipo de Englishcafe, a vosotros!


happy new year

The Magic of New Year

As this year draws its curtains, the last ” Teen Year” of the century is coming to an end! 2023 is knocking at our doors soon and we all await the arrival of one more year with the same enthusiasm and joy as we did during the beginning of this year! Why do we have so much excitement and joy every time? Is it going to change our lives in a big way? Is it going to solve our problems and make it any better ? Why is it all so dramatic suddenly? A poor man has to still work hard to fetch his food, some patients in the hospital still fight for their lives, the lives of old people don’t change much and most of the other things in the world continue to remain the same! Still, what do we feel excited about?


New Year is full of new hopes

For some, New Year is full of new hopes, new beginnings, new goals, new horizons and new relationships. There is always a chance, one more chance to everything that you want to give it to and New Year is the best time of the year to tell yourself that it can make things happen. We give ourselves a chance to accomplish all things which we couldn’t, be it weight loss journey, working at relationships, money, job or buying a dream house. Whether we accomplish or not, New Year always rings in new hopes, a lot of positivity and new resolutions. It is that time to introspect what went wrong, to forgive yourself and others, to be proud of your achievements and to look forward to bigger things in life. So, what are you waiting for? Ring in 2023 with a bang and Englishcafe wishes all of you a fabulous New Year.